[][src]Struct rowan::TextRange

pub struct TextRange { /* fields omitted */ }

A range in text, represented as a pair of TextSize.

It is a logic error for start to be greater than end.


impl TextRange[src]

pub fn new(start: TextSize, end: TextSize) -> TextRange[src]

Creates a new TextRange with the given start and end (start..end).


Panics if end < start.


let start = TextSize::from(5);
let end = TextSize::from(10);
let range = TextRange::new(start, end);

assert_eq!(range.start(), start);
assert_eq!(range.end(), end);
assert_eq!(range.len(), end - start);

pub fn at(offset: TextSize, len: TextSize) -> TextRange[src]

Create a new TextRange with the given offset and len (offset..offset + len).


let text = "0123456789";

let offset = TextSize::from(2);
let length = TextSize::from(5);
let range = TextRange::at(offset, length);

assert_eq!(range, TextRange::new(offset, offset + length));
assert_eq!(&text[range], "23456")

pub fn empty(offset: TextSize) -> TextRange[src]

Create a zero-length range at the specified offset (offset..offset).


let point: TextSize;
let range = TextRange::empty(point);
assert_eq!(range, TextRange::new(point, point));

pub fn up_to(end: TextSize) -> TextRange[src]

Create a range up to the given end (..end).


let point: TextSize;
let range = TextRange::up_to(point);

assert_eq!(range.len(), point);
assert_eq!(range, TextRange::new(0.into(), point));
assert_eq!(range, TextRange::at(0.into(), point));

impl TextRange[src]

Identity methods.

pub const fn start(self) -> TextSize[src]

The start point of this range.

pub const fn end(self) -> TextSize[src]

The end point of this range.

pub const fn len(self) -> TextSize[src]

The size of this range.

pub const fn is_empty(self) -> bool[src]

Check if this range is empty.

impl TextRange[src]

Manipulation methods.

pub fn contains(self, offset: TextSize) -> bool[src]

Check if this range contains an offset.

The end index is considered excluded.


let (start, end): (TextSize, TextSize);
let range = TextRange::new(start, end);

pub fn contains_inclusive(self, offset: TextSize) -> bool[src]

Check if this range contains an offset.

The end index is considered included.


let (start, end): (TextSize, TextSize);
let range = TextRange::new(start, end);

pub fn contains_range(self, other: TextRange) -> bool[src]

Check if this range completely contains another range.


let larger = TextRange::new(0.into(), 20.into());
let smaller = TextRange::new(5.into(), 15.into());

// a range always contains itself

pub fn intersect(self, other: TextRange) -> Option<TextRange>[src]

The range covered by both ranges, if it exists. If the ranges touch but do not overlap, the output range is empty.


        TextRange::new(0.into(), 10.into()),
        TextRange::new(5.into(), 15.into()),
    Some(TextRange::new(5.into(), 10.into())),

pub fn cover(self, other: TextRange) -> TextRange[src]

Extends the range to cover other as well.


        TextRange::new(0.into(), 5.into()),
        TextRange::new(15.into(), 20.into()),
    TextRange::new(0.into(), 20.into()),

pub fn cover_offset(self, offset: TextSize) -> TextRange[src]

Extends the range to cover other offsets as well.


    TextRange::new(0.into(), 20.into()),

pub fn checked_add(self, offset: TextSize) -> Option<TextRange>[src]

Add an offset to this range.

Note that this is not appropriate for changing where a TextRange is within some string; rather, it is for changing the reference anchor that the TextRange is measured against.

The unchecked version (Add::add) will always panic on overflow, in contrast to primitive integers, which check in debug mode only.

pub fn checked_sub(self, offset: TextSize) -> Option<TextRange>[src]

Subtract an offset from this range.

Note that this is not appropriate for changing where a TextRange is within some string; rather, it is for changing the reference anchor that the TextRange is measured against.

The unchecked version (Sub::sub) will always panic on overflow, in contrast to primitive integers, which check in debug mode only.

pub fn ordering(self, other: TextRange) -> Ordering[src]

Relative order of the two ranges (overlapping ranges are considered equal).

This is useful when, for example, binary searching an array of disjoint ranges.


let a = TextRange::new(0.into(), 3.into());
let b = TextRange::new(4.into(), 5.into());
assert_eq!(a.ordering(b), Ordering::Less);

let a = TextRange::new(0.into(), 3.into());
let b = TextRange::new(3.into(), 5.into());
assert_eq!(a.ordering(b), Ordering::Less);

let a = TextRange::new(0.into(), 3.into());
let b = TextRange::new(2.into(), 5.into());
assert_eq!(a.ordering(b), Ordering::Equal);

let a = TextRange::new(0.into(), 3.into());
let b = TextRange::new(2.into(), 2.into());
assert_eq!(a.ordering(b), Ordering::Equal);

let a = TextRange::new(2.into(), 3.into());
let b = TextRange::new(2.into(), 2.into());
assert_eq!(a.ordering(b), Ordering::Greater);

Trait Implementations

impl<'_> Add<&'_ TextSize> for TextRange[src]

type Output = TextRange

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl<'_, T> Add<T> for &'_ TextRange where
    TextRange: Add<T>,
    <TextRange as Add<T>>::Output == TextRange

type Output = TextRange

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl Add<TextSize> for TextRange[src]

type Output = TextRange

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl<A> AddAssign<A> for TextRange where
    TextRange: Add<A>,
    <TextRange as Add<A>>::Output == TextRange

impl Clone for TextRange[src]

impl Copy for TextRange[src]

impl Debug for TextRange[src]

impl Default for TextRange[src]

impl Eq for TextRange[src]

impl Hash for TextRange[src]

impl Index<TextRange> for str[src]

type Output = str

The returned type after indexing.

impl IndexMut<TextRange> for str[src]

impl PartialEq<TextRange> for TextRange[src]

impl RangeBounds<TextSize> for TextRange[src]

impl StructuralEq for TextRange[src]

impl StructuralPartialEq for TextRange[src]

impl<'_> Sub<&'_ TextSize> for TextRange[src]

type Output = TextRange

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl<'_, T> Sub<T> for &'_ TextRange where
    TextRange: Sub<T>,
    <TextRange as Sub<T>>::Output == TextRange

type Output = TextRange

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl Sub<TextSize> for TextRange[src]

type Output = TextRange

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl<S> SubAssign<S> for TextRange where
    TextRange: Sub<S>,
    <TextRange as Sub<S>>::Output == TextRange

Auto Trait Implementations

impl RefUnwindSafe for TextRange

impl Send for TextRange

impl Sync for TextRange

impl Unpin for TextRange

impl UnwindSafe for TextRange

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.