[][src]Struct openssl::x509::verify::X509VerifyFlags

pub struct X509VerifyFlags { /* fields omitted */ }

Flags used to verify an X509 certificate chain.


impl X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const CB_ISSUER_CHECK: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const USE_CHECK_TIME: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const CRL_CHECK: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const CRL_CHECK_ALL: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const IGNORE_CRITICAL: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const X509_STRICT: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const ALLOW_PROXY_CERTS: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const POLICY_CHECK: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const EXPLICIT_POLICY: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const INHIBIT_ANY: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const INHIBIT_MAP: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const NOTIFY_POLICY: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const EXTENDED_CRL_SUPPORT: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const USE_DELTAS: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const CHECK_SS_SIGNATURE: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const TRUSTED_FIRST: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const SUITEB_128_LOS_ONLY: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const SUITEB_192_LOS: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const SUITEB_128_LOS: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const PARTIAL_CHAIN: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const NO_ALT_CHAINS: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const NO_CHECK_TIME: X509VerifyFlags[src]

pub const fn empty() -> X509VerifyFlags[src]

Returns an empty set of flags

pub const fn all() -> X509VerifyFlags[src]

Returns the set containing all flags.

pub const fn bits(&self) -> c_ulong[src]

Returns the raw value of the flags currently stored.

pub fn from_bits(bits: c_ulong) -> Option<X509VerifyFlags>[src]

Convert from underlying bit representation, unless that representation contains bits that do not correspond to a flag.

pub const fn from_bits_truncate(bits: c_ulong) -> X509VerifyFlags[src]

Convert from underlying bit representation, dropping any bits that do not correspond to flags.

pub const unsafe fn from_bits_unchecked(bits: c_ulong) -> X509VerifyFlags[src]

Convert from underlying bit representation, preserving all bits (even those not corresponding to a defined flag).

pub const fn is_empty(&self) -> bool[src]

Returns true if no flags are currently stored.

pub const fn is_all(&self) -> bool[src]

Returns true if all flags are currently set.

pub const fn intersects(&self, other: X509VerifyFlags) -> bool[src]

Returns true if there are flags common to both self and other.

pub const fn contains(&self, other: X509VerifyFlags) -> bool[src]

Returns true all of the flags in other are contained within self.

pub fn insert(&mut self, other: X509VerifyFlags)[src]

Inserts the specified flags in-place.

pub fn remove(&mut self, other: X509VerifyFlags)[src]

Removes the specified flags in-place.

pub fn toggle(&mut self, other: X509VerifyFlags)[src]

Toggles the specified flags in-place.

pub fn set(&mut self, other: X509VerifyFlags, value: bool)[src]

Inserts or removes the specified flags depending on the passed value.

Trait Implementations

impl Binary for X509VerifyFlags[src]

impl BitAnd<X509VerifyFlags> for X509VerifyFlags[src]

type Output = X509VerifyFlags

The resulting type after applying the & operator.

fn bitand(self, other: X509VerifyFlags) -> X509VerifyFlags[src]

Returns the intersection between the two sets of flags.

impl BitAndAssign<X509VerifyFlags> for X509VerifyFlags[src]

fn bitand_assign(&mut self, other: X509VerifyFlags)[src]

Disables all flags disabled in the set.

impl BitOr<X509VerifyFlags> for X509VerifyFlags[src]

type Output = X509VerifyFlags

The resulting type after applying the | operator.

fn bitor(self, other: X509VerifyFlags) -> X509VerifyFlags[src]

Returns the union of the two sets of flags.

impl BitOrAssign<X509VerifyFlags> for X509VerifyFlags[src]

fn bitor_assign(&mut self, other: X509VerifyFlags)[src]

Adds the set of flags.

impl BitXor<X509VerifyFlags> for X509VerifyFlags[src]

type Output = X509VerifyFlags

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator.

fn bitxor(self, other: X509VerifyFlags) -> X509VerifyFlags[src]

Returns the left flags, but with all the right flags toggled.

impl BitXorAssign<X509VerifyFlags> for X509VerifyFlags[src]

fn bitxor_assign(&mut self, other: X509VerifyFlags)[src]

Toggles the set of flags.

impl Clone for X509VerifyFlags[src]

impl Copy for X509VerifyFlags[src]

impl Debug for X509VerifyFlags[src]

impl Eq for X509VerifyFlags[src]

impl Extend<X509VerifyFlags> for X509VerifyFlags[src]

impl FromIterator<X509VerifyFlags> for X509VerifyFlags[src]

impl Hash for X509VerifyFlags[src]

impl LowerHex for X509VerifyFlags[src]

impl Not for X509VerifyFlags[src]

type Output = X509VerifyFlags

The resulting type after applying the ! operator.

fn not(self) -> X509VerifyFlags[src]

Returns the complement of this set of flags.

impl Octal for X509VerifyFlags[src]

impl Ord for X509VerifyFlags[src]

impl PartialEq<X509VerifyFlags> for X509VerifyFlags[src]

impl PartialOrd<X509VerifyFlags> for X509VerifyFlags[src]

impl StructuralEq for X509VerifyFlags[src]

impl StructuralPartialEq for X509VerifyFlags[src]

impl Sub<X509VerifyFlags> for X509VerifyFlags[src]

type Output = X509VerifyFlags

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn sub(self, other: X509VerifyFlags) -> X509VerifyFlags[src]

Returns the set difference of the two sets of flags.

impl SubAssign<X509VerifyFlags> for X509VerifyFlags[src]

fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: X509VerifyFlags)[src]

Disables all flags enabled in the set.

impl UpperHex for X509VerifyFlags[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl RefUnwindSafe for X509VerifyFlags

impl Send for X509VerifyFlags

impl Sync for X509VerifyFlags

impl Unpin for X509VerifyFlags

impl UnwindSafe for X509VerifyFlags

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.