[][src]Macro logos::lookup

macro_rules! lookup {
    ( $enum:ident::$variant:ident => $value:expr, $( $e:ident::$var:ident => $val:expr ,)* _ => $def:expr $(,)? ) => { ... };

Macro for creating lookup tables where index matches the token variant as usize.

This can be especially useful for creating Jump Tables using the static fn() function pointers, enabling an O(1) branching at the cost of introducing some indirection.


use logos::{Logos, lookup};

#[derive(Logos, Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
enum Token {
    #[regex(r"[ \n\t\f]+", logos::skip)]




static LUT: [fn(u32) -> u32; Token::SIZE] = lookup! {
    // Rust is smart enough to convert closure syntax to `fn()`
    // pointers here, as long as we don't capture any values.
    Token::Eschaton => |n| n + 40,
    Token::Immanetize => |n| n + 8999,
    _ => (|_| 0) as fn(u32) -> u32, // Might have to hint the type

fn main() {
    let mut lexer = Token::lexer("Immanetize the Eschaton");

    let mut token = lexer.next().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(token, Token::Immanetize);
    assert_eq!(LUT[token as usize](2), 9001); // 2 + 8999

    token = lexer.next().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(token, Token::The);
    assert_eq!(LUT[token as usize](2), 0); // always 0

    token = lexer.next().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(token, Token::Eschaton);
    assert_eq!(LUT[token as usize](2), 42); // 2 + 40